Friday, January 30, 2009

Should Math Be Told to Students or Learned by Students in Elementary Schools?

During my elementary school experience, I feel that I was not given the best tools to build a great foundation for a math basis. It varied from teacher to teacher and grade to grade as to whether my skills in math were strengthened of weakened. I usually made good grades, but I feel I was never pushed to answer questions through my own reasoning. Most of my experience of math was learned through a type of memorization. A problem would be presented on the board to follow step by step. When I came across a math problem in a different context I froze. I would constantly try to think back to that one example problem instead of reasoning about the situation on my own. I specifically remember math always being told to me and not learned by me. Formulas were written in the book and example problems were worked out for me on the board. As a result math has always been a frustration subject for me. It is important each year for children and me as an upcoming teacher, to understand math because it is a subject that builds from year to year. Since I was never given a great basis into the math world, it has hindered me from growing and loving the subject as much as I would have liked. However, now every year was disastrous and through my math classes I was able to pick up good and bad teaching methods that I can learn from when I become a teacher of my own.
I am and have always been under the impression that the traditional math or what I call "told math" is how math is suppose to be learned by students. My eight grade teacher of algebra ruined math for me all together. I remember that he would always give us an example problem and the load us down with problems that resembled the example. We would continue to do the problems until we not only were exhausted from math but also had memorized how to get the solution. The next week or even by the next test, I had forgotten all about that night's homework. I did not learn the material it was told to me. I feel that if I had come up with how to get the solution on my own then I would not have to keep looking up and following example problems, but could figure it out with my own created knowledge. Ninth grade geometry was not any better, but something different for me to struggle with. My teacher gave out worksheets for us to do in class and typically did not allow group work or interaction I tended to get nervous when speaking to the teacher because he always put up an intimidating front. Proofs and angles were hard for me to pick up and easily became one of my most difficult math moments. I believe that I can learn and grow from this classroom situation. Now I know that these are all high school examples but can be used for teachers of all ages how to teach math properly. During my college years I have been given the opportunity in which I myself had to tutor and help third graders with math homework and understanding. I tried hard not to simply give the children the answers but to question them through the thinking process. However I have realized that doing this allows for much time and patience and it is very tempting to show them exactly how it is done and let them follow my lead. This experience has taught me much about the time that goes in to teaching a good and thoughtful math lesson. You have to allow time for the children to think. They need to be able to reason on their own and eventually through much thought and teacher facilitating questions will reach a solution. Time is also used to fix mistakes.
By reflecting on my own experiences I do see the flaws and strengths of my past math experiences and how they will help me become a better teacher in the near future. I believe that teaching math can be a balance between traditional and most constructivist methods. For example learning certain formulas is important, but knowing how,why and where they stem from is something that reform teaching touches more on. This balance for the two approaches will help children build a better math lifestyle in the long term. As elementary teacher which method of teaching math do you think is the best?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Does my Reading Philosphy Relate to Yours?

Teaching literacy and reading has truly been a process for me as an evolving teacher. This is a subject that I have learned to love and continue to grow through studying new ways to teach effective reading to students of all elementary ages. I first began shaping my own philosophy of teaching reading when I was a junior in college. It was then, that I saw how important literacy is to a child and the many parts that attribute to the reading process. There are many points that I deem necessary to seeing what type of reading teacher that will be presented through me. Interaction through games, participation through literacy focus units, and talking in group activities are just a few of the feature tools that help to outline the type of viewpoints that I have towards teaching reading. Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension guide these activities and are at the top of my reading priority list. These are some of the most important sections for students to engage in during reading class time. As a teacher, I not only want to teach reading, but also give my students motivation to and desire to read. . Building an appreciation and a love for reading in my students will help them tremendously in their future education endeavors and in life.
As a teacher, I feel that it is my role to make sure that students understand that literacy is more than just reading. It takes spelling, comprehension, fluency and more for the reading process to advance. These are all key components and have to come together to make sure that literacy is understood by the child. I believe that in order for reading to be effective, a teacher has to teach literacy through a variety of ways. Just simply having students read aloud or having the teacher read aloud to the students can be effective, however may not very enjoyable for some. Most of the lesson plans that I create for literacy entail literacy and reading activities somewhere during the day. This could include phonics games, scramble spelling competitions, and even group discussions in literacy focus units.
Although my role as a reading teacher has evolved over time, I hope that it is never fully shaped and that I continue to grow and learn new great ways to teach reading. Struggling in reading can cause frustration and humiliation on students and I believe that it is my responsibility as a teacher to take as many steps necessary to help everyone succeed in reading. I know this may not be possible every year however; I have gained the knowledge to at least help everyone in my class improve. I want my students to be familiarized with all steps of literacy. This will ultimately help them with reading and writing. It is my goal to evaluate each of my students in regards to their reading skills. I believe I can start to achieve this goal by assessing my students as quickly as possible even from the first day of school. I also believe that I can use the appropriate areas of phonemics awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension to better guide my students. By developing and implementing this philosophy of reading, I feel that I will be better prepared when teaching reading to my elementary students.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What teaching method do you think is the most effective?

To be an effective teaching you have to use a variety of teaching methods. However, I tend to lean towards constructivism when deciphering which teaching method is the most effective. Also I have researched and research does show that constructivist students have higher order thinking and out perform their peers. There are several reasons why I believe this and many ways that I try to implement constructivism in my classroom. First of all, using constructivism brings a lot to the table. When using this teaching method students do not memorize, but construct their own knowledge on their own. This approach allows the classroom to become more student center instead of teacher centered and after all, the student is the most important part of the classroom. Therefore, this is the way that it should be. Through constructivism the independent learner is intrinsically motivated to generate, discover, build and enlarge his or her framework of knowledge. There are several aspects of constructivism that have led this method to being the most effective among classroom students.
First of all, cooperative learning is something that I believe is a must to use and present in your classroom. This is the idea, founded by Vygotsky, in which people more easily discover and comprehend difficult concepts if they can talk out their problems with their peers. I would establish this by putting my students into groups, for example, work on math problem that no one in the class got right on their homework. This teaching approach deals with the idea that students will bounce off ideas from each other and gain knowledge through working with others. Cooperative learning not only helps the students cognitively, but also socially by forcing the students to learn through interaction with others.
Reciprocal learning is a small group teaching method based on principals of questions. In this type of teaching the students usually lead class discussions and teachers foster metacognitive skills mainly to improve reading performance of students who have poor comprehension. I could implement this in my classroom through literary circles or focus units in which students read different books in groups and then talk about the books they read amongst their selves. They lead this discussion and once again learn form each other. Vygotsky also introduced the idea of scaffolding as a part of constructivist teaching. This is the idea that teachers support a student’s learning by using cues, examples, encouragement by breaking the problem down the step by step to support growth of independent learners. Through scaffolding a teacher can gradually pull herself out of the picture until the student can work a task on his or her own. This is ultimately what we strive for as teachers.
When recalling my elementary years and remembering back to the observation and time that I have spent in the classroom, constructivism in the classroom specifically sticks out as the most important. Science experiment, reading groups, using physical knowledge are all activities where learning is constructed by the student and not through memorizing notes. Students tend to be more creative learners when they construct their own knowledge and also tend to retain more knowledge. Constructivism tends to motivate curiosity in students through, for example, science experiments and this is something that all teachers long to have in their classrooms. Although having a mixture of teaching methods will help build great classroom learning, I believe that it is imperative to implement constructivism in everyday teaching. It not only produces independent learners, but it also promotes curiosity and enhances self esteem by showing the student that they can learn on their own